
Know your competitors: a simple guide for startup founders

Steps for identifying direct, indirect, and substitute competitors, employing the 4Ps and SWOT analyses.
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As an early-stage startup founder, recognizing and analyzing your competitors is a crucial step in navigating the complex terrain of the startup ecosystem. In today’s I’m identifying direct and indirect competitors, utilizing tools and methods for competitive landscape analysis, and implementing strategic frameworks like the 4Ps and SWOT analyses. My focus remains steadfast on providing actionable insights tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by early-stage startups.

Step 1: identifying competitors

How to identify yours competitors?

Direct Competitors
These are businesses offering similar products or services targeting the same customer base. To identify them, map out your value proposition and contrast it with others in the market. For example, if your startup offers an online project management tool, direct competitors might include other SaaS companies with similar offerings.

Indirect Competitors
These competitors fulfil the same underlying need without offering the exact solutions. Broaden your market perspective to identify them. For instance, if you're in the meal delivery service, indirect competitors could include local restaurants offering their delivery services.

Substitute Competitors
Substitutes solve your customers' problems in different ways and can shift market dynamics. A classic example is how video conferencing tools like Zoom compete indirectly with airlines for business meetings.

Step 2: analyzing competitors using the 4Ps

  • Product: Assess how your competitor’s products or services stack up against yours. Consider features, benefits, and potential gaps.
  • Price: Evaluate their pricing models and how they deliver value to the customer. This could involve direct comparison or understanding tiered pricing strategies.
  • Place: Investigate the channels through which competitors reach their customers. For an e-commerce startup, this might include analyzing online marketplaces versus direct-to-consumer approaches.
  • Promotion: Examine competitors’ marketing strategies and channels. Pay attention to social media presence, content marketing, and advertising campaigns.

Step 3: conducting a SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis for early-stage startups by Appolica

To understand your position and how you stack against competitors on multiple fronts you should conduct a SWOT analysis. So what is it?

What advantages does your startup have? Consider unique features, technology, or customer service excellence. For instance, if your product integrates seamlessly with existing tools that competitors lack, that's a strength.

Identify areas where your startup might be lacking. This could be anything from a smaller budget to less brand recognition. Acknowledging these areas is the first step towards improvement.

Look for external factors that you can leverage. This might include market trends favouring your product or gaps left by competitors. For example, a surge in remote work could be an opportunity for collaboration tools.

Be aware of external challenges that could affect your startup, such as new regulations or competitive innovations. Understanding these helps in crafting a resilient strategy.

This type of analysis provides a comprehensive view, allowing you to capitalize on your strengths, address weaknesses, seize opportunities, and mitigate threats effectively.

Once you've mapped out your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, take these concise actions:

  1. Leverage Strengths
    • Craft a Unique Value Proposition highlighting your advantages.
    • Invest more in your strongest areas, such as technology or customer service, to solidify your market position.
  2. Address Weaknesses
    • Prioritize and tackle key weaknesses with a targeted plan. If brand awareness is low, ramp up marketing efforts.
    • Consider partnerships or outsourcing to cover gaps that don't align with your core business.
  3. Seize Opportunities
    • Align opportunities with your strengths to expand or innovate. If market trends favour your product, double down on relevant marketing strategies.
    • Test new markets or features through pilots or beta launches to quickly capitalize on opportunities.
  4. Mitigate Threats
    • Create contingency plans for significant threats, staying proactive about potential market or regulatory changes.
    • Keep a close watch on competitors and market shifts to preemptively address emerging threats.

Step 4: tools for competitive landscape analysis

  • Industry Reports: Platforms like IBISWorld provide in-depth industry insights.
  • SEO and SEM Tools: SEMrush and Ahrefs can uncover competitors’ keyword strategies and online visibility.
  • Social Media Analysis: Tools like Brandwatch offer insights into brand perception and engagement strategies.
  • Customer Feedback: Platforms like Trustpilot and direct social media feedback reveal public perception and areas for improvement.

Prioritize problem-solving and value creation

Understanding the competitive landscape is crucial, yet, it's vital not to lose sight of your startup's core mission—the problem you're solving. In the early stages, your focus should be on deeply understanding and addressing your target audience's key issues. This ensures the development of a product or service that not only meets customer needs but also stands out in the marketplace. Your goal is to innovate and lead, not just to compete.

All of this allows for carving out a unique space for your startup. Remember, the essence of startup success lies in solving real problems and creating significant value for your customers. Equip yourself with competitive insights, but keep your mission to solve the burning issue at the forefront of your strategy.

We've developed a Miro board to practically apply the concepts discussed here, aiming to contribute back to the startup ecosystem. It's a tool made for you to dive into, helping to break down competitor analysis into manageable steps, perfect for teamwork and strategic discussions. Check out our Miro template, "Identifying Competitors: A Step-by-Step Guide," to visually map out and analyze your competitive landscape. And for more tailored guidance and resources, we invite you to reach out directly. We're here to support your journey and offer customized solutions that fit your unique startup needs. Let's connect and explore how we can contribute to your success.


What is the purpose of identifying competitors for a startup?

Identifying competitors helps understand the market landscape, differentiates your offering, and identifies opportunities and threats.

How can you distinguish between direct and indirect competitors?

Direct competitors offer similar products/services to the same customer base. Indirect competitors meet the same customer needs differently.

Why are the 4Ps important in competitor analysis?  

Analyzing Product, Price, Place, and Promotion provides insights into competitors' strategies and market positioning.

What is a SWOT analysis?

SWOT identifies your startup's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in the competitive context.

How can Appolica’s Miro template assist in competitor analysis?

The Miro template offers a structured, interactive way to visualize and collaborate on identifying and analyzing competitors.

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