Venture building

Different venture studio models

Venture studios take a hands-on role in creating and developing new companies from the ground up.
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Venture studios take a hands-on role in creating and developing new companies from the ground up. The venture studio model is a unique approach to building startups, combining resources and expertise to accelerate growth.

In today's article we'll look into how operate, their benefits, and how they can give your business a boost.

What is a venture studio?

A venture studio is like a workshop for startups, way different from the usual support places like incubators or accelerators. They're in the game from the start, coming up with ideas or teaming up with founders. Then, they pour in everything needed to grow the startup

They are involved and help startups steer through the tricky early days and continue after that, working as a cofounder the whole time. Eventually, they aim to get the startup to a point where it can scale successfully, attracting investors and making it's way to becoming a unicorn or even a decacorn.

For a more in-depth look into the synergy between ventures studios and startups, check out our article on the topic.

What does a venture studio bring to each company?

Venture studios are a powerhouse for startups, offering a bunch of critical resources that set startups up for success in a super competitive landscape. They bring in an amazing team of top-notch entrepreneurs with a wealth of experience and diverse skills, making a huge difference right from the start. They're also all about leveraging the latest tech, such as AI, to help startups scale up quickly and stay ahead of the curve.

When it comes to funding, venture studios are key because they open doors to early and growth-stage capital. This is super important for getting a startup off the ground and moving through those  early phases.

And let's not forget the network; venture studios connect startups with an extensive network of  partners, agencies and other enterpreneurs. This network is about accessing shared services and knowledge that can help startups avoid common pitfalls and speed up their journey to success.

Check what our venture studio at Appolica does and how it can help your startup!

What does a venture studio do?

Venture studios first identify and validate potential business opportunities that could meet market demands and yield significant returns. They prioritise the rapid development of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) to test these opportunities, aiming for quick market entry and validation. 

Following the MVP phase, venture studios support the startup in scaling operations through strategic partnerships and marketing strategies for growth. The transition phase involves either integrating the startup into a larger entity or handing it over to a capable team for independent operation. This approach accelerates market entry and minimizes the risks typically associated with startup inexperience.

What makes a venture studio different from an accelerator?

Focus and duration
Accelerators are like a sprint, giving startups a quick boost over a few months. Venture studios, on the other hand, are more like a marathon, providing in-depth, ongoing support.

Investment strategy
Accelerators spread their bets wide, hoping a few startups hit it big. Venture studios invest more heavily in fewer startups, working closely to build them up.

Application process
Startups apply and get chosen for accelerator programs. Venture studios may pick startups based on internal strategies without a formal application process.

Support and resources
Accelerators offer a burst of support, ending with a pitch day. Venture studios are in for the long haul, offering a wide array of services to help startups grow.

Equity and ownership
Both models take equity, but the details can vary. Accelerators might take a small percentage for a small investment, while Venture Studios might take a larger stake. As co-founders, the startup studios acquire an equity stake of 20-40% stake in each startup, sometimes more - rarely less.

Venture studio models

Studio venture capitals (studio VCs)

Studio venture capitals blend the venture studio model with traditional VC funding, focusing on actively building startups and providing capital. They're hands-on, involved in the day-to-day, and offer a mix of expertise and financial investment.

Corporate venture studio

Corporate venture studios are backed by large companies, aiming to innovate from within. They leverage corporate resources, networks, and industry insights to incubate new ventures that align with their strategic interests.

Traditional Venture Studios

Traditional venture studios focus solely on creating and developing new startups. They provide a structured environment, resources, and expert guidance to help startups grow from the ground up. This model is all about hands-on involvement, from ideation to execution, ensuring that each new venture has the support it needs to succeed.

Venture studio vs venture capital

The key difference lies in the involvement level; venture studios are deeply embedded in building the startup, while venture capitals primarily provide financial support without getting involved in daily operations.

What’s the difference between a venture studio vs. incubator vs. accelerator?

When we look into the distinctions among a venture studio, incubator, and accelerator, we need to understand that each plays a unique role in the startup ecosystem for different stages of a startup's journey, offering varying degrees of involvement, and presenting diverse financial arrangements.

Understanding incubators' role

They serve as a nurturing ground for startups, primarily focusing on the very early stages of a company's life. An incubator typically provides startups with essential resources such as office space and access to a vibrant community of fellow entrepreneurs, mentors, and industry experts. This ecosystem is conducive to ideation, refining business models, and initial market testing, offering a fertile environment for startups to validate their concepts and fine-tune their offerings. 

Unlike other startup support models, incubators generally do not acquire equity in the startups they house. Instead, they might levy a fee for the amenities and services provided, positioning themselves as a supportive scaffolding rather than a direct financial stakeholder in the businesses they assist.

Accelerators and their impact

These programs are designed for startups that have moved beyond the ideation phase and are ready to scale their operations rapidly. Accelerators are characterized by their cohort-based, time-bound nature, often running for a few months, during which startups are immersed in an intensive curriculum. This curriculum is meticulously structured, encompassing mentorship from seasoned entrepreneurs and subject matter experts who guide startups on various fronts such as refining their product-market fit, developing robust marketing strategies, and establishing effective customer acquisition channels. 

A distinctive feature of accelerators is their propensity to invest in participating startups in return for equity, aligning their success with the growth and prosperity of the startups they accelerate. This model is geared towards catapulting startups to a stage where they are poised for significant funding rounds or are ready to capture substantial market opportunities.

Venture studios explained

Venture studios represent a more immersive and integrated approach to startup development, often engaging with entrepreneurs at the conceptual or ideation stage. They are co-founders, taking a hands-on role in building the startup from the ground up. By taking equity stakes in the startups, venture studios commit to a long-term partnership, contributing not just capital but also a comprehensive suite of services encompassing business strategy, financial planning, marketing, human resources, and product development. 

The venture studio model is truly having a co-founder with resources and a network, deeply involved in the day-to-day operations and strategic direction of the startup. This model is particularly beneficial for founders seeking to leverage extensive operational support and industry expertise, facilitating a more integrated and collaborative approach to building and scaling their ventures.

How does a venture studio profit? 

Venture studios operate with a distinct financial architecture designed to foster the growth and success of startups by investing a combination of resources such as expertise, effort, and capital in return for a stake in the business. This stake is typically in the form of equity, making the venture studio a co-owner to some extent in the startups it helps to build and scale.

The core of the venture studio's revenue model hinges on the equity stake it acquires in the startups within its portfolio. This stake is not arbitrary but is carefully calibrated to reflect the level of risk the studio undertakes by investing in a new venture. 

Generally, the premise is straightforward: the higher the risk of the venture, the more substantial the equity stake the studio would command. This approach aligns the studio's success directly with the success of its startups, creating a symbiotic relationship where both parties are incentivized to achieve the highest possible outcomes.

Venture studios typically structure their financial models around two primary pathways:

Equity-based model

In this scenario, the venture studio's compensation is deeply intertwined with the success of the startups it helps to build. By taking a percentage of equity, the studio essentially bets on the future success of the startup, with the understanding that significant financial rewards can be realized upon a successful exit event. 

Exit events can vary, ranging from the acquisition of the startup by a larger entity to an initial public offering (IPO) where the startup goes public. At this juncture, the venture studio's equity is converted into monetary compensation, reflecting the value added by the studio's contributions throughout the startup's development.

Service-based model

This model offers a more immediate form of compensation for the venture studio's efforts. Under this arrangement, a corporation or startup in need of the studio's specialised services—be it in business development, marketing, finance, human resources, or product development—engages the studio in a client-service provider relationship. 

The venture studio leverages its expertise and resources to support the client's objectives, receiving payment for the services rendered. This model can be particularly appealing for venture studios that wish to diversify their revenue streams beyond equity-based investments, providing a steadier, more predictable income.

What makes a venture studio model appealing to startups?

Venture studios offer a unique combination of resources, expertise, and long-term partnerships, making them an attractive option for founders looking for more than just financial investment. The collaborative model allows startups to leverage the studio's network, technology, and strategic guidance, significantly reducing the risks and challenges associated with the early stages of startup development.

If you’re interested inthe venture studio model and feel ready to explore how such partnership could benefit your business, why not take the next step? Get in touch with us and start a conversation about your startup vision and how our expertise can help bring your ideas to fruition. 


What is a venture studio?

A venture studio, distinct from traditional startup support systems like incubators, actively participates in the creation and growth of startups from the very beginning. It's a collaborative environment where seasoned entrepreneurs and investors come together to develop business ideas, providing comprehensive support and resources to ensure the startup's success. The studio is deeply involved in the startup's journey, from ideation to scaling, and typically takes an equity stake in the company as a form of long-term investment.

How does a venture studio support startups?

  • Expertise: Access to a team of experienced entrepreneurs and specialists in areas such as marketing, product development, and finance.
  • Technology: Guidance in adopting and leveraging cutting-edge technologies to scale operations efficiently.
  • Funding: Assistance in securing early and growth-stage capital, vital for navigating the startup's critical initial phases.
  • Network: Connection to a broad network of corporate partners, government agencies, and industry experts, providing invaluable resources and opportunities for collaboration and growth.

How does a venture studio differ from an accelerator?

While both aim to support startups, their approaches differ significantly

  • Duration and focus: Accelerators usually offer short-term, intensive programs focusing on rapid growth, whereas venture studios provide long-term, in-depth support.
  • Investment strategy: Accelerators often invest in a large number of startups with the hope that some will succeed, whereas venture studios invest more resources and effort into a smaller number of startups, playing a more active role in their development.
  • Support and resources: Accelerators provide a burst of support ending with a pitch day, while venture studios offer a continuous range of services over a longer period.
  • Equity and ownership: Both models involve equity exchange, but the specifics vary. Accelerators might require a smaller equity stake for a smaller investment, while venture studios might take a larger share due to their deeper involvement.

What types of venture studio models exist?

  • Studio venture capitals: This model combines the hands-on building approach of venture studios with the financial investment typical of venture capital firms.
  • Corporate venture studios: Backed by large corporations, these studios focus on internal innovation, leveraging corporate resources to incubate new ventures that align with the company's strategic goals.

How do venture studios make money?

  • Equity-based model: The studio takes a percentage of equity in the startups it builds, betting on their future success. Financial returns are realized during exit events, such as acquisitions or IPOs.
  • Service-based model: Startups or corporations pay the venture studio for its services, providing a more immediate and predictable revenue stream, separate from equity investments.

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